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The Irish National War Memorial Garden (INWMG) is formally laid out to a 1922 design by Edwin Lutyens but his plans for an entrance bridge across the Liffey were never realised. The proposal plans to complete the Lutyens’ plan with a new formal entry plaza and a pedestrian-cycle bridge across the river on the formal north-south axis of the Memorial Garden. The bridge features two intertwining paths forming a braided pattern. The paths capture a lenticular shaped void over the river which frames views of the water from above and views to the sky from beneath. At each abutment, the paths are separated by a trench which carries a pedestrian pathway on axis to the riverside.
Cake Industries collaborated on this competition design with Brownlie Ernst & Marks in 2019
Client: Govt. of Ireland Office of Public Works
Architect: Brownlie Ernst & Marks