view from end of dublin bridge deck
Long view of dublin bridge
view of dublin bridge soffit
View over the Liffey
view along dublin bridge deck
long view of river and dublin bridge
Preliminary Sketch of Dublin Bridge

INWMG Bridge

The Irish National War Memorial Garden (INWMG) is formally laid out to a 1922 design by Edwin Lutyens but his plans for an entrance bridge across the Liffey were never realised. The proposal plans to complete the Lutyens’ plan with a new formal entry plaza and a pedestrian-cycle bridge across the river on the formal north-south axis of the Memorial Garden. The bridge features two intertwining paths forming a braided pattern. The paths capture a lenticular shaped void over the river which frames views of the water from above and views to the sky from beneath. At each abutment, the paths are separated by a trench which carries a pedestrian pathway on axis to the riverside.

Cake Industries collaborated on this competition design with Brownlie Ernst & Marks in 2019

Client: Govt. of Ireland Office of Public Works
Architect: Brownlie Ernst & Marks

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