London Festival of Architecture:
Common Collaborations with Cake Industries
12 June 2023
6:30 -21:00
Free @ Eventbrite
As part of the London Festival of Architecture 2023, Cake Industries has joined the Penge and Palace area to contribute an evening of talks and panel discussions. Cake Industries will showcase and celebrate the work of practitioners they have collaborated with over the years. The title ‘in common’ will explore how artists, engineers, architects and makers share a common theme in creating and bringing structures to life for the wider public to enjoy and dwell upon.
We are pleased to announce the four following speakers taking part:
Architect + Maker: Thomas Randall Page – thomasrandallpage.com
Architect: Joana Gonçalves – jamiefobertarchitects.com
Landscape Designer: Tom Massey – tommassey.co.uk
Structural Engineer: David Knight – cakeindustries.co.uk
The presentations from each speaker will be delivered throughout the night with opportunities for the public to partake in a Q&A session at the end.
Additionally, Cake Industries will present a series of samples and prototypes from past and present projects throughout the space, (from film to 1:1 scale models) in and amongst the craft and tooling the workshop setting has to offer.
Refreshments will be provided.
Please head over to our Eventbrite page to reserve a free ticket.